Moon People – Full Moon Over Twin Peaks

30 Jan
Moon People - Full Moon rising over Twin Peaks, San Francisco

People watching a full moon rise over San Francisco atop Twin Peaks

Saturdays full moon was a sight to see, but then again it always is. I never tire of seeing the moon as it is a constant curiosity, inspiration, and friend. When ever I gaze upon the full moon my first thought is that we’re not alone in this big universe and second countless generations before me gazed upon this same celestial body pondering its origin, its meaning, and our relationship to it and other celestial bodies in the night sky. Astonishing when you think about it.

With that being said I leave you with Henry David Thoreau’s “The Moon”

The full-orbed moon with unchanged ray
Mounts up the eastern sky,
Not doomed to these short nights for aye,
But shining steadily.

She does not wane, but my fortune,
Which her rays do not bless,
My wayward path declineth soon,
But she shines not the less.

And if she faintly glimmers here,
And paled is her light,
Yet alway in her proper sphere
She’s mistress of the night.

Henry David Thoreau

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Moon People – Full Moon Over Twin Peaks

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