7 January, 2013 – Oh No, Not Another Superzoom!

07 Jan

Yes, another Superzoom. The Panasonic SX50, with the longest zoom range available at 24–1200mm equiv, all with decent (though not really great) image quality, and a very competative price.

Is this the best Superzoom yet? Is it worth your attention? Find out in my just published review.


 "Every time I go back to a module I had already seen, I learn additional things.  I have never seen tutorials that have the excellent mix of what the features are, 
how to use them, enough of the under-the-hood information 
and concepts so that I can utilize the features creatively and efficiently, 
and just enough humor to keep the motivation level high.  Wow!" 

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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