In this tutorial I go over how to set your shutter speed,aperture,iso and white balance plus how to set a custom white balance. I also go over how auto focusing points work. I go over what each function of the dial is and what it does so you now can go out and shoot in manual now!!! I go over how to put the battery and sd card in the camera plus how to take your lens on and off the T2I 550D. If You Wish To Puches One Link Here MY WEB SITE MY TWITTER SKYPE DAVIDDIMAGES FACEBOOK COMING VERY SOON!!!! AhDah by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0”
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Had a chance to interview Tom Howie, VP of Sales and Marketing for Glidecam at NAB last month and he was gracious enough to share, in great detail, the proper way to set-up and fine tune the Glidecam HD 2000 (or any Glidecam HD) during the interview. During the process he candidly answers questions that I’ve seen floating around the forums relating to the use of not only the Glidecam products but all similar devices. Here’s a (very 😉 rough cut of the part of the interview that directly relates to setting up, fine tuning and actually using any of the Glidecam HD units. After the setup instruction he shares some interesting tips and exercises to help us get ready to shoot successfully with the rigs. I cut a lot out and split it into 3 parts but it’s still 38 mins long (total) so grab a cup of coffee and settle back for an in depth look at the proper way to set up and start using the Glidecams according to Tom and Glidecam.. btw: Schy Gleason, our cameraman on the interview had to shoot from out in the aisle at NAB which as you might guess is not an optimum place to be at anytime. So please excuse any bounces or sudden position/focus shifts as he was constantly struggling for space. Shot in available light at ISO 640 on a Nikon D7000, GenusTech shoulder rig and Bravo follow focus. Recorded on Zoom H4N and painlessly synched with Dualeyes (Thank you Singular that was a lot of pieces to sync ;-).