25 October, 2010 – Digital Tools for Architectural Photographers

30 Oct

Architectural photography is one of the technically most demanding disciplines of our craft. In days of yore (more than about 5 – 10 years ago) it was the almost exclusive domain of large format technical cameras and film. Not so much today.

Our regular contributor Richard Sexton has just provided us with his latest essay titled Digital Tools for Architectural Photographers. This is a must-read if the topic is of interest to you.

Observant readers who check the site’s Home Page will notice that its lead photograph was taken with the upcoming Panasonic GH2 and 100-300mm G lens.

I have been testing a pre-production sample, along with the also new 14mm f/2.5 pancake lens. My first-impressions report will be published this coming Wednesday. Watch for it.

I will also be going to New York City later this week for the PhotoPlus Show. Maybe I’ll see you there.

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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