Confessions of a Photographer – episode 05

09 Sep

VILVOORDE, BELGIUM – I believe that a professional photographer needs to do some personal work from time to time to stay fresh and keep learning. After we finished the pictures in the “2020” series, we were joined by pro model Sylvianne for some fun and improvisation. We tried out some different lighting setups. For me as a professional photographer these experiments are very valuable. For more info and to see the pictures in better quality, please visit BERT STEPHANI ( is a professional photographer based in Belgium.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Known for her hauntingly still imagery, photographer Lisa Kereszi’s subjects have included junkyards, burlesque clubs and other desolate sites. Her commercial work for clients such as The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Nest, W, GQ, Tokion, Penthouse, Nylon, Flaunt, wallpaper* and others shares a similarly serenely meditative quality, capturing the quiet beauty of scenes that would otherwise likely go unnoticed. Currently teaching at Yale, as well as continuing her fine art and commercial pursuits, Lisa took us on a trip to revisit the shots she took at Governors Island for a 2003 monograph on the former military base. We found several of the sites she captured, including a bus stop, an elementary school drinking fountain, bowling alley lanes and a Burger King sign. In an interview in an empty pool, Lisa shares how a mild depressive bent informs her work, her solitary working habits and her obsession with Governors Island.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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