Posts Tagged ‘walkin’

Dry Doc: 10 Abandoned Walk-in Public Health Clinics

30 Aug

[ By Steve in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

It’s prognosis negative (and not in a good way) for these abandoned walk-in clinics – obviously everyone within walking distance was perfectly healthy.


You know there’s a chronic public health crisis when the local public clinic’s doctor high-tails it outta town and the clinic itself has been abandoned for years. The photos above, taken by Mike DuBose of UMNS during the height of the 2015 Ebola outbreak, features fisherman and village elder Boh Lion at an abandoned health clinic in Monogaga, Côte d’Ivoire. It’s not stated whether Lion owns the sleeping dog and small goat in the first photo.

Kissimmee Goodbye




Does The Walking Dead need a new shooting location? Flickr users AsherXIII and Adxm Petersxn captured this rather generic Kissimmee, Florida “Walk-In Clinic” in July of 2012 and February of 2014, respectively. Rumor has it the clinic was the scene of a drive-by shooting in late 2006… at least the victims, if any, were in the right place at the wrong time.

Clinically Creepy



Haikyo explorer and blogger Jordy Meow of Totoro Times visited the former mining town (and current ghost town) of Nichitsu in December of 2011, and he brought his figurine “friends” Yoko and Haruhi along for the adventure. Though the town’s clinic is in very bad shape due to the elements and local vandals, much remains from what must have been a hasty evacuation… and by “remains”, we mean human remains preserved in formaldehyde-filled glass containers.



That’s Haruhi above, posing with a glass jar containing a human ear… how sweet. Located in Saitama prefecture north of Tokyo, Nichitsu was abandoned around 30 years ago when the mine played out.


According to Jordy Meow, visitors to the ex-clinic occasionally abscond with a medical sample or two. The most famous, er, infamous missing sample is the legendary “Nichitsu Brain”. Now who in their right mind would want to steal a brain?

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Dry Doc 10 Abandoned Walk In Public Health Clinics

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[ By Steve in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

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DIY: Turn Your Room into a Walk-In Camera

21 Mar

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

What could be better than a shiny new camera? How about a walk-in camera?

That’s right! We’re making cameras big enough to have a party in.

Check out this tutorial for a step by step guide to turning any room into a giant camera.

It’s kind of like making a pinhole camera but on a real-life scale.

So grab some poster board, a roll of tape, and invite your friends over for a camera party.

Turn Your Room into a Camera Obscura

p.s. Want even more Photojojo? Yeah, you do! Like us on Facebook for more DIYs & inspiring photo stuff. (…)
Read the rest of DIY: Turn Your Room into a Walk-In Camera (858 words)

© Margo for Photojojo, 2013. |
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Kickstarter project looks to take 1:1 walk-in camera on a world tour

12 Feb


A German artist is planning on creating a mobile version of IMAGO1:1 – the only camera in the world capable of true 1:1 reproduction for full-length self-portraits. Originally built in 1970, the camera works like a photo booth, projecting a true-to-life 1:1 portrait onto 60cm x 200cm sheets of black-and-white direct positive paper. Artist Susanna Kraus, daughter of original IMAGO1:1 co-inventor Werner Kraus is seeking £95,000 to fund the development of a mobile version of this famous camera to tour around the world. Click through for more information on the camera and the Kickstarter-funding link.

News: Digital Photography Review (

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