Posts Tagged ‘ProductInspired’

Binder Clip Handbag: Office Product-Inspired Tote Purse

31 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

binder clip hand bag

It is a familiar trope these days, but fun nonetheless: take a common object, tweak the scale and transform the materials, and you get a new item that has a recognizable shape but a distinct new function.

binder handbag giant sized

In this case, the Clip Bag by Peter Bristol manages to look both fresh and fashionable – the light (hollow aluminum) metal grip widens to fit the hand, and the felted bag manages to look a lot classier and more comfortable to carry than its plastic inspiration.

binder bag wood background

There is a curious psychological side-effect in play as well: suddenly, we are forced to rely a lot more on context to determine the size of the bag – it makes its tiny cousins look extra-small, and wood grain seem huge by comparison.

binder purse human hands

A play on memory and novelty, its scale becomes most obvious, in the end, when put to its intended use and held in human hands.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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