Archive for the ‘Photographs’ Category

Cool Visual Art images

01 Apr

Some cool visual art images:

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

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Posted in Photographs


Nice Visual Art photos

31 Mar

Check out these visual art images:

Une Grande Dame in Progress, by Millais
visual art
Image by Martin Beek
One of my big interests as an artist is the use made of photography by painters. Millais often used photographs both as a record and to make compositional decisions, this is interesting to see how he painted a typical "Fancy Picture" of 1880’s "Une Grande Dame"
The camera and the artist (set) about the relationship between photographic images and those painted. I hope to use examples from my own practice where photography has been used in both photo-realistic work as well as illustration and other art-forms.

I have used a number of artists whose work I have studied and look at the way photography informed and influenced their visual expression.

As I have scanned a lot of my old work I’m well aware that photography has played and still plays a significant role for me as an artist, indeed in recent years these two practices have overlapped and are no longer distinct paths.

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Posted in Photographs


Cool Visual Art images

30 Mar

Check out these visual art images:

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

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Posted in Photographs


Nice Visual Art photos

27 Mar

Some cool visual art images:

visual art
Image by fernandoprats
jun.jul.ago.2008 | inviernosurveranonorte

ON PAPER (new! second edition! 25/09!)
PDF (new! second edition! 24/09!)
NAVIGATE it (new! second edition! 24/09!)
Hi-Res PDF (new! second edition! 24/09!)

Un número dedicado a explorar la visión y propuestas de Marcel Duchamp.
No su vida, no su obra; tan sólo algunos de sus conceptos.
Realizado con aportes de artistas, pensadores y diseñadores de todo el mundo
combinados con la explícita intención de producir a su vez un objeto duchampiano.

-el medio como instrumento intelectual que transpasa su especificidad y se burla de ella
-la obra independientemente de su carácter representativo e interpretativo
-”arte”, en términos de convenciones, lo más “amorfo” posible
-”obras” en las que la obra no es una finalidad en sí misma sino una excusa
-interpretaciones o, mejor dicho, lecturas que pueden convivir a pesar de ser aparentemente excluyentes
-objetos “anestesiados estéticamente”, anulados en su probable complacencia de la mirada, “rectificados”,”asistidos” para otorgarles una nueva -a menudo, insólita- significación. Como en la elección de los “ready-mades”: “basada en la indiferencia visual y en la ausencia total del buen o mal gusto”
-obras “definitivamente inacabadas”
-rrose sélavy, su alter(-)ego
-ajedrez, máquinas ópticas, matemáticas, geometría, “artefactos”
-la “pintura mental”, “pintura de precisión”, el rechazo de cualquier elemento en el que la mirada se pueda recrear con fruición

-texto, – bloques, – fotografías, + mixed-media, + pintura, + ilustración.
-toda la revista está en castellano e inglés.

(descárgala gratis y comienza felizmente el verano -o el invierno-)

# # #

This issue plays around the conceptual universe of Marcel Duchamp. Not his life, nor his works, just some of his concepts.

– the medium, as an intellectual tool which goes beyond its specificity mocking it.
– the work, regardless of its representative and interpretative character.
– “art”, in terms of conventions, as “amorphous” as possible.
– “construction”, in which the work is not it’s purpose, but an excuse.
– interpretations, or rather readings which can coexist despite being seemingly exclusive.
– objects “aesthetically anesthetized,” lapsed in their likely sight complacency; “rectified”, “assisted”, to give them a new –often unusual- significance. As with the choice of “ready-mades”: “based on visual indifference and a total absence of good or bad taste”
– works “definitively unfinished”.
– rrose sélavy, his alter (-) ego.
– chess, optic machines, mathematics, geometry, “artifacts”.
– “mental painting,” “precision painting”, the rejection of any element in which sight can be delighted.

– aesthetics: – text, – blocks, – photographs, + mixed-media, + painting, + illustration.
– the whole magazine, in spanish and english.

(download it. it’s free. and start enjoying summer -or winter-)

# # #

edit(ing), direct(ing) + complements
art direct(ing) + design(ing)
estudi prats
insistAnçao, correct(ing) + additional stuff
r | v
hernán dardes
albert jordà
kiddo | emilia cavecedo
frontcover(ing) concept fot
une autre sensualité
backcover(ing) concept borrador
UU – dou _ ble _you et aa
open(ing) concept
nacho piédrola + salaboli & fp porta

accesories, lisa kehoe { kiddo | emilia cavecedo, lisa liibbe lara, josean prado, oriol espinal, mark valentine sullivan, hernán dardes, alfredo de la rosa, jonathan minila } => meta
{ pepo m.-the secret society, r | v, leah leone } => hilarious
{ pancho lorenz, natalia osiatynska } fernandoprats => rage

=> meta kiddo | emilia cavecedo, nacho piédrola, salaboli, lisa kehoe { lisa liibbe lara, mark valentine sullivan + shari baker, oriol espinal, gabriel magri, naomi vona, mara carrión }
=> hilarious { d7, olivier gilet, jef safi, special spatial guests }
=> rage { brancollina, gabriel magri, natalia osiatynska, bill horne, UU, christy trotter } simon fröehlich

ysinembargo#16… sensualmente inacabada.

a b r e l a m u r a l l a
antwerp · barcelona · basauri · boulder · bruxelles · buenos aires · carlsbad · collioure · coyoacán · grenoble · holden beach · iowa city · lawrenceville · lansing · london · madrid · mendoza · mexicali b.c. · milano · san francisco · san rafael · sào paulo · tarragona · warsaw

# # #

YSE #16’s Original Music | YSElected videos

# # #

Official WEBsite | MySpace | Flickr Group

visual art
Image by fernandoprats
jun.jul.ago.2008 | inviernosurveranonorte

ON PAPER (new! second edition! 25/09!)
PDF (new! second edition! 24/09!)
NAVIGATE it (new! second edition! 24/09!)
Hi-Res PDF (new! second edition! 24/09!)

Un número dedicado a explorar la visión y propuestas de Marcel Duchamp.
No su vida, no su obra; tan sólo algunos de sus conceptos.
Realizado con aportes de artistas, pensadores y diseñadores de todo el mundo
combinados con la explícita intención de producir a su vez un objeto duchampiano.

-el medio como instrumento intelectual que transpasa su especificidad y se burla de ella
-la obra independientemente de su carácter representativo e interpretativo
-”arte”, en términos de convenciones, lo más “amorfo” posible
-”obras” en las que la obra no es una finalidad en sí misma sino una excusa
-interpretaciones o, mejor dicho, lecturas que pueden convivir a pesar de ser aparentemente excluyentes
-objetos “anestesiados estéticamente”, anulados en su probable complacencia de la mirada, “rectificados”,”asistidos” para otorgarles una nueva -a menudo, insólita- significación. Como en la elección de los “ready-mades”: “basada en la indiferencia visual y en la ausencia total del buen o mal gusto”
-obras “definitivamente inacabadas”
-rrose sélavy, su alter(-)ego
-ajedrez, máquinas ópticas, matemáticas, geometría, “artefactos”
-la “pintura mental”, “pintura de precisión”, el rechazo de cualquier elemento en el que la mirada se pueda recrear con fruición

-texto, – bloques, – fotografías, + mixed-media, + pintura, + ilustración.
-toda la revista está en castellano e inglés.

(descárgala gratis y comienza felizmente el verano -o el invierno-)

# # #

This issue plays around the conceptual universe of Marcel Duchamp. Not his life, nor his works, just some of his concepts.

– the medium, as an intellectual tool which goes beyond its specificity mocking it.
– the work, regardless of its representative and interpretative character.
– “art”, in terms of conventions, as “amorphous” as possible.
– “construction”, in which the work is not it’s purpose, but an excuse.
– interpretations, or rather readings which can coexist despite being seemingly exclusive.
– objects “aesthetically anesthetized,” lapsed in their likely sight complacency; “rectified”, “assisted”, to give them a new –often unusual- significance. As with the choice of “ready-mades”: “based on visual indifference and a total absence of good or bad taste”
– works “definitively unfinished”.
– rrose sélavy, his alter (-) ego.
– chess, optic machines, mathematics, geometry, “artifacts”.
– “mental painting,” “precision painting”, the rejection of any element in which sight can be delighted.

– aesthetics: – text, – blocks, – photographs, + mixed-media, + painting, + illustration.
– the whole magazine, in spanish and english.

(download it. it’s free. and start enjoying summer -or winter-)

# # #

edit(ing), direct(ing) + complements
art direct(ing) + design(ing)
estudi prats
insistAnçao, correct(ing) + additional stuff
r | v
hernán dardes
albert jordà
kiddo | emilia cavecedo
frontcover(ing) concept fot
une autre sensualité
backcover(ing) concept borrador
UU – dou _ ble _you et aa
open(ing) concept
nacho piédrola + salaboli & fp porta

accesories, lisa kehoe { kiddo | emilia cavecedo, lisa liibbe lara, josean prado, oriol espinal, mark valentine sullivan, hernán dardes, alfredo de la rosa, jonathan minila } => meta
{ pepo m.-the secret society, r | v, leah leone } => hilarious
{ pancho lorenz, natalia osiatynska } fernandoprats => rage

=> meta kiddo | emilia cavecedo, nacho piédrola, salaboli, lisa kehoe { lisa liibbe lara, mark valentine sullivan + shari baker, oriol espinal, gabriel magri, naomi vona, mara carrión }
=> hilarious { d7, olivier gilet, jef safi, special spatial guests }
=> rage { brancollina, gabriel magri, natalia osiatynska, bill horne, UU, christy trotter } simon fröehlich

ysinembargo#16… sensualmente inacabada.

a b r e l a m u r a l l a
antwerp · barcelona · basauri · boulder · bruxelles · buenos aires · carlsbad · collioure · coyoacán · grenoble · holden beach · iowa city · lawrenceville · lansing · london · madrid · mendoza · mexicali b.c. · milano · san francisco · san rafael · sào paulo · tarragona · warsaw

# # #

YSE #16’s Original Music | YSElected videos

# # #

Official WEBsite | MySpace | Flickr Group

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Posted in Photographs


Nice Visual Art photos

26 Mar

Some cool visual art images:

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

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Posted in Photographs


Nice Visual Art photos

26 Mar

Some cool visual art images:

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

VSP Visual Street Performance 2007 @ Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
visual art
Image by Graffiti Land

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Posted in Photographs


Flightpath Toronto, 2011 – Usman Haque, Natalie Jeremijenko

23 Mar

A few nice visual art images I found:

Flightpath Toronto, 2011 – Usman Haque, Natalie Jeremijenko
visual art
Image by jaygoldman
Inspired by the birds of Nathan Phillips Square, Flightpath Toronto is a participatory spectacle inviting the public to rediscover the possibilities and wonder of urban flight. For Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2011, the square hosts an urban flightschool, an interactive visual airscape, and fly-lines that enable hundreds of people, enwinged, to re-imagine the city and the way we move through it.

By exploring the square through the eyes of its primary inhabitants, urban birds, can we reinvent our relationship to the city we build together? By reclaiming airspace as public space, can we consider other forms of transit, rediscover the ‘sport’ in ‘transport’, and excite imaginative possibilities for our urban infrastructure? Are we game to experience, through flight, a city that is fluid and three-dimensional?

Flightpath Toronto’s swarms of flying people experiment with an urban-scale participatory proposition: one that demonstrates the pleasures of emissionless urban mobility and creates a shared memory of a possible future.

Flightpath Toronto is a collaboration between Usman Haque, architect/artist and Natalie Jeremijenko, engineer/artist, uniting his expertise in participatory urban spectacle with her expertise in bird flight and urban natural systems.

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Posted in Photographs


Nice Visual Art photos

20 Mar

Check out these visual art images:

AVENUE Magazine – February 2013
visual art
Image by Amazon Silverweb
Passion is in the air at AVENUE for our February issue, and there is no better way to celebrate than with TenderLove, our cover feature for the month. Indulge in "Rouge", our Couture Clash feature, and treat your eyes to a visual confection of trendsetting styles from AVENUE’s stylist team, including a special couples Valentine’s Day spread. Check out the beautiful work of featured designer, MichaMi, so that you can head out in style to visit the grid’s top hotspots with your sweetheart for a touch of romance. Continue the journey to see the Game of Thrones roleplay sim, and don’t miss Zigana, our architecture and interiors highlight for February. Our arts section brings you works from Seraph Kegal, Kicca Igaly, and Nessuno Myo, as well as the Theatre on the Hill’s presentation of "Rent". Read on for all of this and more in AVENUE’s February issue.

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Posted in Photographs


Cool Visual Art images

18 Mar

A few nice visual art images I found:

The Mango Tree of Psychedelic Terror
visual art
Image by Maki79
Visuals at a party in Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro. Made with Tagtool for iPad –

The Mango Tree of Psychedelic Terror
visual art
Image by Maki79
Visuals at a party in Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro. Made with Tagtool for iPad –

The Mango Tree of Psychedelic Terror
visual art
Image by Maki79
Visuals at a party in Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro. Made with Tagtool for iPad –

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Posted in Photographs


Nice Visual Art photos

17 Mar

A few nice visual art images I found:

visual art
Image by David Domingo
United Visual Artists live!
Art Futura 2006
Barcelona, Catalonia
# 28 october 2006

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Posted in Photographs